Sunday, February 27, 2011

New simple iphone app!

First time using Image View tool for iphone app..

1) Added two lines of code in header file (.h) to create outlet to a label and action to a button
2) Put .png image file with 320 x 480 resolution into Resources file - iphone only works with .png saved images
3)Added line of code to the implementation file (.m files)
4) Opened the .xib file (pronouced "Nib") file. Anytime this file is opened the Interface Builder opens. The interface builder is part of the apple sdk. Here I was able to open the library and drag image view and set its attribute to the .png file of Porter! Also added a label with no text and a button with label "Press Me"
5) Pressed Command +Return and ran the program .. as pictured!

So exciting.. although this program is very simplistic! It was fun to see Porter (my dog) on the iphone interface!

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